Neri Avraham

נרי מגדיר את עצמו “אני צבר” ולא אוטיסט על הרצף.
אוהב טבע, אוהב לטייל במקומות חדשים.
כתמי צבע שהולכים ומתגבשים לכדי ציור.
, , מאתגר את כשרונו בנושאים שונים, מביע רגש בציורים, לפעמים הציור ברור , הצבעים אופטימיים, ולעיתים הציור אבסטרקט אבל מסתתרים מתחת לצבע ולמשיכות המכחול והסכין רמזים של דברים שמחק ,
כאשר הוא מקשיב למוסיקה הציור הופך לסגנון יותר אבסטרקט, יותר טישטוש פחות דיוק.
האומנות עבור נרי היא ערוץ לביטוי מחשבותיו ורגשותיו , חוויה שחווה עולה על הבד, הוא מודע לאירועים.
הביטוי באומנות עם המון רגש ואינטלגנציה ריגשית גבוהה.

נרי משתמש בצבעי שמן ,אקריליק, וצבעי מים
אוהב לעבוד עם חומרים ממיחזור, כמו צבעים שהתייבשו, הוא שומר את כל המרקמים היבשים של צבעי האקריליק, והם הופכים לחלק מעבודתו, משתלבים ויוצרים עומק וטקסטורה.

נרי הציג בתערוכה “שינוי תפיסות” באפריל-מאי 2013 בגלריה למטרות טובות .
בעברית יש רק מונח אחד לתיאור הבית הפיזי והבית – בית משפחה.
על הנושא הזה יצר נרי ציורים והציג בתערוכה במרכז החיים הבכירים העבריים במסצ’וסטס.
התמונה למטה מתארת מופע קודם בשם “המסע שלי” .

Poem and exhibit by Neri Avraham
Neri was featured at exhibit “Shifting Perceptions” in April-May 2013 at the Good Purpose Gallery and sold a painting.
In Hebrew there is only one term to describe the physical house and the home – family home. On that theme Neri created paintings and has his exhibit at the Hebrew Senior Life Center in Massachusetts.
The photo below depicts a previous show called “My Journey” consisted of various landscapes.
by Neri Avraham
A house is where people live
A home is a safe place to be
A house one day you might leave
A home you build to keep
A house is a place with a door
A home is a shelter for your soul
A house can be big or small
A home you make it to fit to all
A house has a garden outside
A home has a garden you know inside-out
A house you buy or you sell
A home you take with you everywhere
Neri was featured at exhibit “Shifting Perceptions” in April-May 2013 at the Good Purpose Gallery and sold a painting.
In Hebrew there is only one term to describe the physical house and the home – family home. On that theme Neri created paintings and has his exhibit at the Hebrew Senior Life Center in Massachusetts.
The photo below depicts a previous show called “My Journey” consisted of various landscapes.

Neri presented Temple Grandin’s mom Eustacia Cutler this painting last year of his homeland.
arik einstein illustration heichal tarbut tel aviv 2014 exhibit

רבדים של כתמים לכדי יצירה

art of autism
Neri Avraham expressed his emotions through his watercolor paintings when he was only five years old. The youngest of two children, Neri was always a sensitive child, with close bonds to his elder brother and family. When he was eleven, his family struggled with a lack of acceptance emigrating to the United States from Israel in search of a better life for Neri.

פורטרט אישי
Neri self portrait
The move was advantageous. Neri is now attending the Massachusetts College of Art. His art is influenced greatly by the numerous trips his family has taken to Israel. At this point in his life he has spent equal amounts of time in Maccabim, Israel (his hometown) and Newton, Massachusetts.

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The Art of Autism is proud to showcase Neri Avraham’s art.
Neri says this about his art (translated from Hebrew).
Translated from Hebrew
“The first strokes of brush on the canvas or first lines on the drawing paper are like the first chords in music- nothing yet is known. Sometimes nothing works. Those days I put away the paint and clean my palette. Sometimes out of nowhere a wave of creativity suddenly arrives. The distractions of the busy world are no longer important. I live through the process of creating the picture, one brush stroke after another. The composition takes form and emerges from the canvas.
I’m interested in playing with colors to see what happens. Painting with acrylics is very different. I usually start with an idea that evolves into compositions in which color is the primary focus. I like to create with acrylics infinite images of flowers, buildings, water, and cities. I translate the colors of nature and express my wonder of the world around me, where nature meets man.